
Taking a step toward balance

One of my absolute favorite things to do is blog surfing. Some days I can't find the time, but others send me into a whirlwind of clicking and linking and discovering beautiful places that inspire me and give me comfort. Today is one of those great days where I have found several new resting spots. Nicola at which name? is just one of such places and I encourage you to visit her and read all she has to share.

In one post she discusses setting a new goal each month, a step toward balance, in an effort to achieve better balance in your life. Oh how this speaks to me today!!! I have not felt well in six weeks and that is really wearing me down. I have found it difficult to spend much time in the kitchen, which is not just the heart of the household, but part of the heart of me. I think at times I have been fighting a little bit of depression and I need to find some light!!!

In order to discover the joy behind these struggles that is a new life growing inside me, my step for this month is to spend at least five minutes each day in silence connecting to my growing baby. Whether this is journaling, sitting silently with my hand on my swelling belly, meditating to potential birth music, or creating a piece of birth art, I need to begin devoting time to this new little one. I need to remember why I am going through the roughness of a first trimester. I need to be reminded that I am housing a miracle.

I can't wait to see where this step will lead, and those in the months to follow! Balance with gentleness... What a great year.

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