
When it rains...

Oh yes, it pours! In our case, literally. Yesterday, after somewhat of a drought, we finally got some rain--all day long. Awesome for the garden, but not exactly the best timing when construction guys are in and out of the house, leaving me and Addie completely contained throughout the project.

Not to mention we realized our cat is having some health issues and Addie was running a very mild fever. It wasn't even what I would really call a "fever" but it was just enough to make her cranky and irritable. Fantastic. We all set up camp in Mommy & Daddy's room, as prepared as possible for whatever the day would hand us. Sick cat, sort of sick kid, no internet or cable and a super preggo mama. Hang on tight for a bumpy ride!

I learned pretty quickly that Miss. Addie and our super scaredy cat are both terrified of nail guns. I suppose that is as it should be, but it made for some difficult moments. That along with no nap = speedy trip to crazy town. I have decided that if the US government really wants a terrorist to confess to his crimes, there is no need for waterboarding and the like. Just lock said individual in a room full of two-year-olds who have not had their naps and that sucker will spill his guts in no time. Although, I guess that probably has the potential to be considered cruel and unusual.  

As always, we somehow made it through and it seems the loudest part of the job is over. Now we just have to deal with all of the aftermath and details that need to be finished before everything is complete. Our house is still in a major state of disarray, but at least the nail gun has left the building and nap time has been reinstated. At this point, I'll take what I can get!

I managed to squeeze myself behind the couch and take some crooked pictures of the project in progress...

All of our plans for preparing the nursery hinge on the completion of these units and the storage they will provide, so we are anxiously awaiting our final product. While it has definitely been a headache, I think I can almost say it's been worth it. Almost... We'll see if I still feel the same after the waterboarding torture alternative has worn off.  


Unknown said...

They look fantastic!

sara said...

Overall we are really happy with the results.... It's just getting there that's the problem!!!